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Notice에 대한표이며 Title, Writer, Date, Hit, Attach에 대한 내용을 제공
Title Public Subscription of Literary Works
Writer : Administrator Date : 2015-10-16 Hit : 12760
Department in charge: Public Information Office

Public subscription of literary works campaigning voluntary military service
Please participate in the public subscription of literary works related to
virtuous military duty on purpose to make people understand the importance of the 
mandatory military service and inspire their pride to serve this duty.

1. Contents of manuscript
ㅇCampaign for the importance of military duty
ㅇImpression of MMA Physical Examination Center or Call-Center after visiting.
ㅇExample of boastful performance of military duty

2. Length of manuscript: 200 words/ 15 pages of manuscript paper

3. Time of subscription: 10/21/2004 ~ 11/20/2004 (1 month)

4. Information office: MMA Information Center(Daejeon, Seo-gu, the inside of Daejeon Government Complex)

5. Awards:
ㅇfor Adults participants
-1st Prize: 1 nominee(commendation from the Commissioner and ₩1,000,000)
-2nd Prize: 2 nominees(commendation from the Commissioner and ₩500,000)
-3rd Prize: 3 nominees(commendation from the Commissioner and ₩300,000)
ㅇfor Elementary Student Participants
-1st Prize: 1 nominee(commendation from the Commissioner and extra prize worth of ₩500,000)
-2nd Prize: 2 nominees(commendation from the Commissioner and extra prize worth of₩300,000)
-3rd Prize: 3 nominees(commendation from the Commissioner and extra prize worth of₩200,000)

6. Announcement of the prize winners
-Date: 12/10/2004(prearrangement)
-Method of announcement: Individual notice and announcement in the MMA homepage

7. Reference
ㅇTelephone number of the person in charge: 042-481-2706 (Kim Hyang-gu)
ㅇEmail: kkk2938@empal.com
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