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제도소개 English


Voluntary Enrollment of Permanent Residents

If yourmilitary service was exempted or postponed because you acquired permanent residence but you still wish to voluntarily fulfill your military service, you would be allowed to maintain your permanent residence during your service period. This way, you can carry out your military duties without having to worry about your permanent residence status and more such people would voluntarily fulfill their military duties in a healthy military culture.


  • Proposal by Korean immigrants at military administration session in New York, U.S.A.(November 2003).
    • "We would like for permanent residents to be able to maintain their permanent residence if they wish to serve in the military."
  • Travel expense coverage for overseas permanent resident soldier on leave (implemented since April 1, 2004)
    • Roundtrip flight (GTR economy class) and domestic travel expenses will be covered.
  • For permanent residents who completed their military service, their return trip expenses will be covered (implemented since January 1, 2008).

Who is Eligible?

  • As a person who has lived in a foreign country for more than 3 years
    • Those who have obtained permanent residency (including conditionary or temporary permanent residency)
    • Those who have obtained indifinite sojourn status (including long-term sojourn status of 5 years or more) in a country without permanent residency system
  • Those who have received an overseas travel permit for moving overseas
  • As a person who lives overseas with parents who are registered as overseas Koreans in the Overseas Korean Register
    • Those who have multiple citizenships
    • Those whose father or mother has obtained permanent residency(or citizenship)
    • Those whose period of residence is more than 5 years(They are excluded if either parents is a public official dispatched overseas or a resident employee)
  • Those who have continuously resided in a foreign country for more than 10 years as a person with multiple citizenships

Application and Required Documents

Where to Apply :
MMA website, Regional MMA Civil Affairs Division, Incheon Airport Military Affairs Office.
Required Documents :
Military Service Application Form for Permanent Residents, etc.

When visiting Regional MMA Offices for draft physical examination, you must submit documents that prove your overseas residence status.

Withdrawal of Military Service Application

  • If circumstances change after you submit your military service application and preclude your enrolment, submit your cancellation application to MMA website, Regional MMA Civil Affairs Division near you, Incheon Airport Military Affairs Office before the date of enrolment.
  • As overseas emigrant, your military duty will be postponed until you are 35 years of age in accordance with overseas travel period extension conditions, without penalty.


  • The government of your country of residence may invalidate your permanent residence if you as a permanent resident stay outside the country for a certain period. Therefore, you must take measures to maintain your residence status by, for instance, receiving Re-entry Permit from the immigrations authority of your country of residence.
  • As the sole authority to decide on your permanent residence status belongs to the government of your country of residence, please note that the Korean government cannot guarantee your residence status.
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